Friday 29 March 2013

Istanbul n Bursa Aku Datang Part 3

Hari Ke-Empat (15 Mac 2013).

Setelah sarapan kami berkumpul di lobi jam 8.00 pagi. Tempat pertama yg kami tuju ialah 'Blue Mosque'. Pd mulanya kami tidak dibenarkan masuk kerana hari ini hari jumaat. So pihak masjid membuat persiapan utk sembahyang jumaat. setelah berbincang antara pihak masjid dengan TG, kami dibenarkan masuk ke dalam masjid.Tengok dr luar tiada apapun yg menarik tapi bila masuk ke dalam...'Subhanallah' itu perkataan pertama yg keluar dr mulut. Sgt cantik decorationnya. Ia terkenal dengan nama Blue Mosque ialah jubin biru yang ada pd dindingnya.

View 'Blue Mosque'. Kagum sangat ciptaan manusia niii

View sisi Masjid Biru. Gambar agak gelap sikit sebab hari hujan.

View ruang legar sebelum masuk masjid

View pelbagai sudut

Info Blue Mosque

'The Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Turkish: Sultanahmet Camii) is an historic mosque in Istanbul. The mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior. It was built from 1609 to 1616, during the rule of Ahmed I. Like many other mosques, it also contains a tomb of the founder, a madrasah and a hospice. While still used as a mosque, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque has also become a popular tourist attraction.
The facade of the spacious forecourt was built in the same manner as the facade of the Süleymaniye Mosque, except for the addition of the turrets on the corner domes. The court is about as large as the mosque itself and is surrounded by a continuous vaulted arcade. It has ablution facilities on both sides. The central hexagonal fountain is rather small in contrast with the dimensions of the courtyard. The monumental but narrow gateway to the courtyard stands out architecturally from the arcade. Its semi-dome has a fine stalactite structure, crowned by a small ribbed dome on a tall tholobate.
A heavy iron chain hangs in the upper part of the court entrance on the western side. Only the sultan was allowed to enter the court of the mosque on horseback. The chain was put there, so that the sultan had to lower his head every time he entered the court in order not to get hit. This was done as a symbolic gesture, to ensure the humility of the ruler in the face of the divine. The six minarets were a matter of contention and a first, since four minarets were the common maximum. Only after one more minaret was added to the Masjid al-Haram, Grand Mosque, in Mecca was the six minarets issue settled. The upper levels of the interior are dominated by blue paint. More than 200 stained glass windows with intricate designs admit natural light, today assisted by chandeliers. On the chandeliers, ostrich eggs are found that were meant to avoid cobwebs inside the mosque by repelling spiders. The decorations include verses from the Qur'an, many of them made by Seyyid Kasim Gubari, regarded as the greatest calligrapher of his time. The floors are covered with carpets, which are donated by faithful people and are regularly replaced as they wear out. The most important element in the interior of the mosque is the mihrab, which is made of finely carved and sculptured marble, with a stalactite niche and a double inscriptive panel above it. The adjacent walls are sheathed in ceramic tiles. But the many windows around it make it look less spectacular. To the right of the mihrab is the richly decorated minber, or pulpit, where the Imam stands when he is delivering his sermon at the time of noon prayer on Fridays or on holy days. The mosque has been designed so that even when it is at its most crowded, everyone in the mosque can see and hear the Imam.'

View bahagian dalam kubah Masjid.

View sebelah dlm kubah utama

View tiang seri tempat solat utama

View Masjid Biru mengadap Hagia Sophia

View lagi........

View Peserta rombongan.....Mana i?? cari-cari

Kemudian kami bergerak ke Hagia Sophia...Tengok dari luar mcm binaan masjid biasa je. Kekawan warna binaan masjid di Turki lebih kurang sama warna sahaja (putih keputihan). Mungkin waktu I pergi waktu penghujung musim sujuk. Bila masuk ke dalam .....Wow subhanaallah....TG mengatakan Hagia Sophia asalnya gereja Kritians Ortodoks. Than ditukarkan kpd Masjid oleh Sultan Muhammad Fateh. Pd zaman Kamal Mustafa Artatuk ia dijadikan muzium hingga kini.  Kami diberikan masa yg secukupnya utk meneroka dan bergambar.

View Hagia Sophia.......

View lanskap sebelum masuk ke Hagia Sophia

View dekat Hagia Sophia

Info Hagia Sophia

"Hagia Sophia from the GreekTurkish: Ayasofya) is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its dedication in 360 until 1453, it served as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931, when it was secularized. It was opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.The Church was dedicated to the Logos, the second person of the Holy Trinity,its dedication feast taking place on 25 December, the anniversary of the Birth of the incarnation of the Logos in Christ. Although it is sometimes referred to as Sancta Sophia (as though it were named after Saint Sophia), sophia is the phonetic spelling in Latin of the Greek word for wisdom – the full name in Greek being "Shrine of the Holy Wisdom of God".Famous in particular for its massive dome, it is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and is said to have "changed the history of architecture. It remained the world's largest cathedral for nearly a thousand years thereafter, until Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520. The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian and was the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to occupy the site, the previous two having both been destroyed by rioters. It was designed by the Greek scientists Isidore of Miletus, a physicist, and Anthemius of Tralles, a mathematician.  1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who subsequently ordered the building converted into a mosque. The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels were removed and many of the mosaics were plastered over. Islamic features – such as the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets – were added while in the possession of the Ottomans. It remained a mosque until 1931 when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. For almost 500 years the principal mosque of Istanbul, Hagia Sophia served as a model for many other Ottoman mosques, such as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque of Istanbul), the Şehzade Mosque, the Süleymaniye Mosque, the Rüstem Pasha Mosque and the Kılıç Ali Paşa Mosque."

View Masjid Biru sblm masuk Hagia Sophia

View Atas batu suci kepercayaan Kritian Ortodoks (ada gambar kambing) di Pintu masuk Hagia Sophia. Bawah kiri pintu masuk. Bawah kanan bumbung yg terdapat dlm Hagia Sophia

View kalimah Allah dan Muhammad semasa ia dijadikan masjid.

View bumbung yg cantik

View ....Tafsirlah sendiri. Ada Islam Ada Kristian...

View Kiblat arah ke Masjidil Haram

View tapak suci kepercayaan Kristian.

View....ramainya org.

View ..maklumat mengenai agama kristian.

Kemudian kami bergerak ke 'Topkapi Palace'. Agak jauh juga kami berjalan. Sepanjang perjalanan ke Topkapi Palace terdapat pemandangan yang menarik. Cuaca pada hari nii pun cukup sejuk siap dengan hujan. Di dalam Topkapi Palace ada satu ruang yg menempatkan janggut, busar dan panah, tapak kaki Rasulullah, 4 pedang 4 khalifah islam dan lain-lain lagi. Kami tak sempat nak meneroka ke tempat lain sebab masa yang diberikan pendek dan org terlalu ramai.

View Turkish Houses and wall

View nak periksa wall betul ke nii?

View Turkish Houses lagi.....

View laman sebelum masuk ke Topkapi Palace

View bangunan di  salah satu laman di Topkapi Palace

View sekarang dah jadi coffee shop

View laman lagi di sebelah lain

View Church of Hagia Eirene in the First Courtyard

View sama di atas cuma angle je lain

View jalan merentasi laman-laman yang ada

The Gate of Salutation (Bâb-üs Selâm), entrance to the Second courtyard of Topkapı Palace

Info Topkapi Palace
"The Topkapı Palace is a large palace in Istanbul, Turkey, that was the primary residence of the Ottoman Sultans for approximately 400 years (1465-1856) of their 624-year reign. As well as a royal residence, the palace was a setting for state occasions and royal entertainments. It is now a major tourist attraction and contains important holy relics of the Muslim world, including Muhammed's cloak and sword. 
Construction began in 1459, ordered by Sultan Mehmed II, the conqueror of Byzantine Constantinople. The palace complex consists of four main courtyards and many smaller buildings. At its peak, the palace was home to as many as 4,000 people, and covered a large area with a long shoreline. The complex was expanded over the centuries, with major renovations after the 1509 earthquake and the 1665 fire. The palace contained mosques, a hospital, bakeries, and a mint. The name translates as "Cannon gate Palace" from a nearby gate which has since been destroyed.
From the end of the 17th century the Topkapı Palace gradually lost its importance as the Sultans preferred to spend more time in their new palaces along the Bosporus. In 1856, Sultan Abdül Mecid I decided to move the court to the newly built Dolmabahçe Palace, the first European-style palace in the city. Some functions, such as the imperial treasury, the library, and the mint were retained in the Topkapı Palace.
Following the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1921, the Topkapı Palace was transformed by a government decree dated April 3, 1924 into a museum of the imperial era. The Topkapı Palace Museum is administered by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The palace complex has hundreds of rooms and chambers, but only the most important are accessible to the public today. The complex is guarded by officials of the ministry as well as armed guards of the Turkish military. The palace includes many fine examples of Ottoman architecture. It contains large collections of porcelain, robes, weapons, shields, armor, Ottoman miniatures, Islamic calligraphic manuscripts and murals, as well as a display of Ottoman treasures and jewelry".

View The Gate of Felicity (Bâbüssaâde)

View.....tak ingat nama bhg niii

View bangunan lama yg ada dlm Topkapi Palace

View.. Boleh dptkan audio dgn sewaan yg murah jika tiada TG

View lagi.........

View Pintu masuk yg menempatkan janggut Rasulullah, pedangnya, busarnya, tapak kakinya dan juga 4 bilah pedang 4 khalifah ternama Islam

View dari kaw Topkapi boleh nampak selat Marmara.

View bangunan dlm kaw Topkapi Palace

View Hagia Sophia sebelum meninggalkanya.

View Pintu masuk utama Topkapi Palace

Setelah penat berjalan dlm cuaca sejuk, perut pun dah berbunyi, kami kena berpatah balik ke arah 'Blue Mosque' utk melawat 'Roman Hippodrome'. Apatu.... ala tiang menegak kepercayaan org kritians ortodoks. 

View nii la Batang tiang tu......

View dr pelbagai sudut.. Bhg bawah tiang tu yg cantik sebenarnya

Info Roman Hippodrome.
"The Hippodrome of Constantinople was a circus that was the sporting and social centre of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire. Today it is a square named Sultanahmet Meydanı (Sultan Ahmet Square) in the Turkish city of Istanbul, with a few fragments of the original structure surviving. It is sometimes also called Atmeydanı (Horse Square) in Turkish.
The word hippodrome comes from the Greek hippos ('ιππος), horse, and dromos (δρομος), path or way. Horse racing and chariot racing were popular pastimes in the ancient world and hippodromes were common features of Greek cities in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine eras. Although the Hippodrome is usually associated with Constantinople's days of glory as an imperial capital, it actually predates that era. The first Hippodrome was built when the city was called Byzantium, and was a provincial town of moderate importance. In AD 203 the Emperor Septimius Severus rebuilt the city and expanded its walls, endowing it with a hippodrome, an arena for chariot races and other entertainment.
In AD 324, the Emperor Constantine the Great decided to move the seat of the government from Rome to Byzantium, which he renamed Nova Roma (New Rome). This name failed to impress and the city soon became known as Constantinople, the City of Constantine. Constantine greatly enlarged the city, and one of his major undertakings was the renovation of the Hippodrome. It is estimated that the Hippodrome of Constantine was about 450 m (1,476 ft) long and 130 m (427 ft) wide. Its stands were capable of holding 100,000 spectators. The race-track at the Hippodrome was U-shaped, and the Kathisma (emperor's loge) was located at the eastern end of the track. The Kathisma could be accessed directly from the Great Palace through a passage which only the emperor or other members of the imperial family could use. The Hippodrome Boxes, which had four statues of horses in gilded copper on top, stood at the northern end; and the Sphendone (curved tribune of the U-shaped structure, the lower part of which still survives) stood at the southern end. These four gilded horses, now called the Horses of Saint Mark, whose exact Greek or Roman ancestry has never been determined, were looted during the Fourth Crusade in 1204 and installed on the façade of St Mark's Basilica in Venice. The track was lined with other bronze statues of famous horses and chariot drivers, none of which survive. Political discussions were often made at the Hippodrome, which could be directly accessed by the Emperor through a passage that connected the Kathisma (Emperor's Loge at the eastern tribune) with the Great Palace of Constantinople. "

View Peserta di depan Roman Hippodrome

View Bhg depan restoren tempatan tpt makan tengahari.

Kemudian kami ke Bus Station dim mana bas kami dah menunggu untuk membawa peserta ke restoren tempatan untuk makan tengahari. Lps makan kami di bawa pula ke kedai Karpet dan Barang Perhiasan yg terletak berdekatan dgn restoren makan kami. Semua karpet yg dipamerkan cantik tp mak oiii harganya mahal dan semuanya dalam USD. Bayangkan tikar sembahyang dari silk harganya mencecah 600 USD. Tiada sorang pun yg membeli.

View Demonstration Silk Karpet Hand Made. Yg nii harganya mencecah Ribuan USD
 View Tikar sembahyang 600USD

Lawatan yg akhir hari nii ialah Spice Market. Semua org dah teruja utk mencari money changer dan seterusnya soping sakan. Malangnya kami hanya diberikan masa 1 jam 30 minit. Ah  Ah  mana cukup.. Tak pe TL dah janji akan bawa ke tempat nii semula pada waktu 'Free n Easy' pd second last day.

 View jalan ke Spice Market...Di depan Spice Market ada masjid utk sembahyang

Kira-kira jam 5.50 ptg kami balik semula ke hotel. TL ingatkan kami waktu makan mlm dan besok berkumpul di lobi jam 8.30 pg utk lawatan seterusnya.    Zzzz    Zzzzzzz

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